Wednesday, February 20

Man Tech....AirPoo!

Here at The Manalyst it is considered a duty to bring those hidden gems of technology that sometimes never quite shine the way they should. Speaking of duty! Here is our latest installment of Man Tech. It's called AirPoo™ and it deserves to be heard.


AirPoo™ is special because it combines one of man's most sacred of moments with the comfort and relaxation of a nice mini-vacation. This super-pooper comes fully equipped with docking stations for your ipod and, if you gots one, a Mac Book Air. It has a multi-touch flusher, which has me scratching my head a bit, a built-in surround sound system and a built-in wireless router. Last but most importantly, this mofo has a heated seat installed for our pooping pleasure.

Now, you might be asking one of two things. Why would one need these things for a simple BM? Slap! Or how could this throne of thrones get any better?

Well I think we could improve upon this magnificent piece of porcelain.

Maybe a secret cooled compartment in the back that holds one or two beers for those "just in case I run out of beer while I'm crapping" occasions. Or perhaps a secret cubby hole to hide those personal magazines that can't be left with the popular mechanics issues.

I got it! A cool recycling unit that turns those useless toilet paper rolls into a spare couple of pieces of TP for those "just in case I run out of TP while I'm crapping" situations. And then stores it in a nice little hideaway compartment. Ha!

It's better then using the old finger trick.

Check out the Poonovation Video Tour here.

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