Monday, February 4

For the Bachelor....101 Things To Do With Ramen Noodles

Not every man has a stocked pantry or culinary skills the likes of Julia Child. But most of us have Ramen Noodles, especially bachelors, and most of us are capable of running to the canned goods section of Wally World for a thing or two.

Well if you're looking to spice up your average bowl of noodles. Try this book, "101 Things To Do With Ramen Noodles." by Toni Patrick.

There are great creative twists that are inexpensive to make and quite the treat for the average bachelor or even the family man. You can get it at the nearest Barnes and Noble or purchase it online here for $9.95.

And for those that don't want to purchase it, there are plenty of recipes online. How about Ramen Noodles with Peanut Sambal, or Roman Chicken Alfredo. Who would have thought that you could do so much with so little.

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