Friday, February 22

Flavorites....Bacon Salt

There is a good amount of comfort in knowing that as a man I am aloud to indulge in my favorite foods and get away without so much as a synapse of guilt. And it is also good to know that there are good people out there that are making it much easier by combining our favorites.

I introduce to you Bacon Salt!

J&D's Bacon Salt™ was created by Justin Esch, Dave Lefkow and Kara Gibson of the Seattle area; when these former technicians had one of those booze induced ideas that we all get from time to time. Except these guys new how to go about getting the job done. Now they're selling thousands of bottles for $4.49 all over the place, including

As they say, "Why have french fries when you can have bacon french fries."

Not that very many guys care, but J&D's Bacon Salt™ is kosher and vegetarian. It comes in three flavors currently that are original, hickory and peppered bacon. Mmmmmm. They don't have my favorite bacon flavor though, maple bacon. And even though there are plenty of great sounding recipes out there, you can dash this stuff on anything and everything next to ice cream. I'd try it.

Their website at has fantastic looking recipes that combine the flavors of delicious bacon with your favorite foods. Check them out here. From bacon mayo to bacon flavored tomato soup. They all sound great.

Check out Bacon Salt: The Movie!

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