Wednesday, February 20

Man of the Month....Paul Wirth

It takes a lot of guts to be a minister who expresses themselves outside the iron walls of faith. Well that is just what this month's Man of the Month did. What some might consider an unneeded manifesto that laces his church and his own assessment, I consider the character of a revolutionary man.

He is pastor Paul Wirth and he is our Man of the Month for February, 2008. For stepping out beyond the duties of faith and issuing a 30-day sex challenge for his southwest Florida church and everyone else. Why? To battle the increasing divorce rates he says.

Pastor Wirth says that he wants the married couples only to focus on their marriage and specifies that church goers are no different than others when it comes to improving your marriage.

So it's sex everyday then, and it's not just for those who are attending. There are billboards and even a website,, that take this man's idea to the next level.

And as for the singles out there. Besides the idea not applying, he actually encourages singles to take another challenge. The exact opposite. Try staying abstinent for 30 days. Check out this crazy idea over at

So what do you think? I think it's unbelievable because your ordinary man couldn't make such a statement stick. But when a man of faith steps out of his conventional box and proposes a new way of helping people, especially men, there is something to be said. There is something to be realized maybe?

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