Wednesday, April 16

Flavorites....Food On A Stick

When I was a child my father used to take my little brother and me camping. On one such occasion I wondered away from our favorite settling grounds to drop some friends off in the woods and fertilize thy land. Later that evening my mischeivious brother prodded my dookie with a stick until it was thoroughly coated. He then turned to me and began pursuit. I ran for my life. I think I blacked out cause I don't remember much else.

Why the story that is ruining a topic dedicated to the perfect food?

Never has my poop glistened and gleamed with such beauty. Okay thats gross. But seriously. You can put almost anything on a stick and it suddenly becomes a desirable and functional food.

And if anybody knows anything about food on a stick, it's the good people at the Minnesota State Fair. Those guys serve up at least 59 different foods on sticks at any given time. Delicious. Of them consists of deep-fried candy bars, deep-fried twinkies, pickles, mac and cheese, chocolate covered bananas, pork chops, corn dogs pronto pups and poncho dogs as well as a reuben or corn variations. Check out a run-down on these impaled entrees here.

If you are looking to attend the fair in order to get your fill of everything unnatural on a stick. Check out the Minnesota State Fair website here. The event begins August 21st and ends on Labor day.

So what else is food on a stick good for?

Well that little wooden skewer make an intimidating weapon if that cousin you've never met tries to rob your kabob at the family reuinion. And not only that, but they help you stick to your diet plan as well. You can actually count out and keep track exactly how much you are eating. It's beautiful. And vice versa for those eating contests that seem to pop up.

If your picky kid won't eat his peas. Put that chit on a stick. If your stubborn grandpa won't take his meds. Put them on a stick and he won't hesitate. If the local rabbits seem to think that your shrubs are the best thing since carrot cake. Get rid of the sticks. Simple.

Check out some ideas for your very own foods on sticks at

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