Tuesday, January 29

For The Bachelor....How To Tie A Tie

For those bachelors out there, and I know there are many, I would like to dedicate a periodical piece to you. We'll start by helping those on the business venture. We all might one day need to present ourselves as respecting, professional or classy.

I understand the complications with such a task but I believe it is a necessity that all men know how to live with at least a mild to medium sense of refinedness. We will start small and work our way up. We will explore the unknowns of the sophisticated world and dig deep into the pits of bachelorhood in the hopes of renewing that image that some might find stinky without even smelling it.

And then you will go back to the couch, put one hand on the remote and the other in the pizza box. Because we can't give up that which we love.

So in regards to that, here is a tip on how to tie a tie. Remember to take in the step by step pictures so you won't forget. And if you do forget, just go with the collar. That is always nice.

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