Tuesday, October 7

Dream Job....Getting Paid To Watch Football

What would you consider a dream job? If you could sit around and get paid to do one thing, what would it be? Are they out there?

Of course they are.

I would consider a dream job to be something like being a beer tester or even a brewmaster. And a porn star would be fun. As long as it was in a clean environment and the chicks were average or above (who am I kidding?). Anthony Bourdain has a wonderful job traveling the globe eating delicious foods from every sort of country. As well as most events journalists that get backstage passes front row seats to everything that is sweetness.

Well Anthony White has his idea of a dream job. He's the assistant designer at EA's Tiburon studio in Maitland, Florida where they pay him to sit in on football games on a daily basis. But what exactly does he do? YahooGames.com's Mike Smith has him quoted,

"I am responsible for the design of the X's and O's," White told the Sentinel. "How teams play in the game. How players react to certain situations that come up. The coaching tendencies."

Yeah, that sounds pretty freakin' cool. But I wonder if he stumbles upon little secrets of info that pro team's would love to get their grubby mitts on? Maybe not, but his job is at the top of the heap for dream jobs listed at ListAfterList.com and here's the rest.

Video Game Designer -- Salary: Starts at $25,000 with high growth potential.
Brewmaster -- Salary: $30,000-$60,000 per year
Toy Creator – Salary: Average is $57,000 per year.
Comic Book Guru -- Starts around $20,000 per year.
Casino Host -- Salary: $15 per hour and up.

So get out there and get a dream job. Even if you're no good at it. Remember what Kurt Vonnegut said, "If you can do a half-assed job of anything, you're a one-eyed man in a kingdom of the blind."

Tuesday, September 23

Tailgating with The Freedom Grill

Football season is just a couple of weeks underway. So I hope we are all prepared for what else other than the art of tailgating. But I would like to introduce a must have commodity that will have your friends and family following you closer than ever.

It's called The Freedom Grill, and it's taking the tailgating scene by storm. Or fire.

Imagine not having to lug around a large grill or even a miniature version of a grill that's a bit smaller than a bag of coals. Or just think what it would be like to be able to grill out wherever you went. Well these attach/detachable grills conveniently range in size from the FG-50 to three sizes up at the FG-900. And tailgating just doesn't get any easier.

With this puppy strapped to your bumper, Bear Grylls won't be the only guy around that can start a fire in the rain. But don't take my word for it, take FreedomGrill.com's,

"The FG-100 isn’t just for tailgating either. The optional backyard stand allows this to be your only grill. Just slide the grill head off of the arm assembly and onto the stand and you can cook away from the vehicle."

This modern day parking lot caterer has been admired by major news agencies and those alike. Such as ESPN2, The Best Damn Sports Show Period, Trick My Truck, The Discovery Channel, USA Today, and Stuff Magazine.

So check out there site and browse around. They have a nifty demo video, featured recipes, their own brand of Freedom Grill Firebrand Grilling Sauces, and even pictures of really hot chicks if you look hard enough.

Wednesday, September 17

Flavorites....Inglehoffer Mustards

If you don't like mustard then you are not a true mayon. Yeah i'll say it. With pride. Real men love the yellow stuff. And one brand has " My Flavorite" written all over it.

Inglehoffer mustards. Mmmmmm freakin' mmm mmm.

If you haven't enjoyed this brand of gourmet mustards or horseradish sauces you are missing out on a life changing experience. A tongue tackling extravaganza of spice and everything nice. And just in time for football season.

Who out there will tell me that they don't salivate to the smell of bratwurst on the grill? And that they don't break the mop out at the thought of adding a nice spicy brown or dijon to it. Who doesn't make a super fat sandwich without considering the satisfaction that is a course Stone Ground Mustard? Or even let mustard play a crucial roll in the everlasting friendship you have with pretzels.

Inglehoffer is actually a product by the successful Beaverton Foods in Beaverton, Oregon. It was all started by a women, one of the few good ones, by the name of Rose Biggi in 1929 who started door to door and then went industrial sized. They have been working their behinds off ever since to give people around the world incredible condiments. How about some info from LindiBiggi.com

"What started as Rose’s basement experiment has now grown to a family-owned, multimillion dollar corporation with over 150 specialty condiments sold internationally. The company’s products have won numerous World Championship and Mustard Mania awards and have earned prestigious praise from top culinary experts worldwide. Our company was also named Oregon’s Processor of the Year."

Okay, so I make a mean tavern. And mostly thanks to the good folks at Beaverton Foods. I wouldn't substitute any other mustard for their Sweet Honey Mustard that gives that tavern a delicious sweetness. And I sure as hell wouldn't trade their Extra Hot Horseradish Mustard for anything in the world. It gives a tavern an unprecedented zing. The Extra Hot Horseradish is also the Grand Champion in the World Mustard Championships.

So get some quick before it's all gone. Just joshin'. But head over to their website and snoop around. Check out their flavors that range from Wasabi to Cranberry.

Oh yeah, and put a little extra mustard on it!

Wednesday, August 27

For The Bachelor.... Burp For Fame....And Money

With all the talk of the great athletes that were breaking world records left and freakin' right at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, I thought it might be appropriate to bust out a different sort of World Record. One that might give hope to the bachelor.

Meet Paul Hunn of London, England. He is the man that discovered a hidden talent that might otherwise be labeled impolite or obnoxious. Or in the case of some countries around the world as applause toward the chef. Quite the opposite.


It is definitely one of those things that all men have in common. Embracing the inevitable build up of gases as they travel harmoniously upward only to explode with harnessed musical energy. Beautiful. Even as children we sat around the lunch table with awe and appreciation for little Billy's talents as he belched the alphabet aloud. Beautiful.

Some might say as beautiful as world record setting races or games. Standing among the fastest and the strongest is..... the loudest.

Paul set this outrageous Guiness World Record for belching in 2000. His current best stands at an earpiercing 118.1 dB. !. I guess that's louder than a chain saw or even as loud as a jet engine on takeoff. And one hell of a way to tell the cook how good his food was.

Let's put that into perspective. If you were at a rock concert with Mr. Hunn and were indulging in carbonated alcoholic beverages at the time. And let's say he happened to burp midway through the second verse of the already deafening song. There is a good chance you would hear it a couple of feet away. That is crazy. Try it yourself and tell me if you can even feel anything.

So burp away bachelors. You might one day find yourself atop the list of competitive burpers. Or even giving Paul a run for his money. Try getting a head start by watching this Paul Hunn School of Burps training vid. Haha. And if you can't be the loudest maybe you can be the best. Submit a video to BurpForFame.com and you can win the title as well as $500. Easy money.

Tuesday, August 26

Chick Pic....Regina Deutinger

Birthdate: September 17, 1982
Birth Location: Munich, Germany
Measurements: 37-25-37
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 127 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde

Alright so I figure I can span the earth looking for the nicest ladies to admire. And thank God for the internet.

So we go to Germany. Regina has actually worked the Oktoberfest for the last three years. She was the April, 2008 Playmate and deservedly so. You can find jaw-dropping pictures that involve beer being poured all over the place. Yes! This chick is freakin' awesome.

As far as the body goes. It is clearly one of the nicest on the planet. But don't take my word for it. I suggest finding out for yourself. As for her face. I can't help but salivate watching her magnificent mouth speak German. While holding my beer for me. Check out this video and see for yourself.

Friday, August 22

The Olympic Games Need Foosball!

Seriously folks. With athletes that exhibit unbelievable physical ability there is always explosive reactions and powerful movements. With athletes that exhibit unbreakable focus and determination there are crazy reflexes and never-ending drive.

The likes of Michael Phelps and his awe inspiring swimming abilities make him a god amongst men. The blur that is Usain Bolt and his tremendous speed along with an ironic last name make him the modern day Achilles.

But what about Joe? Average or Shmoe. It doesn't matter. What about an athlete that is easier to relate to? A guy that just decided to become dedicated to something other than keeping his balance while at the pub. A guy that has natural ability coupled with mongoose-like reflexes, but couldn't jump a hurdle to save his life.

There must be something added to the Olympics that gives us hope. Badminton and ping pong are close, but not close enough. I am talking about foosball.

Foosball is the perfect international sport that relates to the same demographic. It deserves a spot in the almighty Olympics as a palette cleanser if you will. A change in pace to see an American Best Buy clerk take on a comic book store owner in Thailand. These are competitive men just the same and someone needs to help them prove their worth in the Olympic games of the future. Right? Well actually there just might be. Heres a tidbit from Wikipedia telling how,

"In 2002, the International Table Soccer Federation (ITSF) was established in France with the mission of promoting the sport of Table Soccer as an organizing sports body, regulating international competitions, and establishing the game with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as an officially recognized Olympic sport."

I hope there is hope for foosball. There is already a World Championships, but I would love to see it in the big show. So come on foos fans, show your support and check out everything foos at the official website of the ITSF at Table-Soccer.org.

Friday, August 15

Man Tech....Horseshoes Scoreboard

Sometimes the simplest of technologies are what make men feel the most sophisticated. And we all know that simple means easy. Which is also a favorite of words shared by men everywhere.

So on that note....does anyone else have a brother or certain relative that can make the easiest or simplest thing harder than it has to be?

My brother can't play nice. He insists on insisting. He believes strongly that he is more aware of the activity in which he is involved than anyone around him. And is usually just the opposite. What would normally be resolved with easy communication is suddenly an argue-fest. And he is usually wrong. There must be a way to end these needless spats. A helpful devise?


A visual explanation of how the game is going. No more bickering over the actual score or having to explain precisely how you are up five more points. Scenario, a lovely game of horseshoes.

Check this baby out from a company called ScoreTower. It's a combo scoreboard slash beer holder! Check out how to buy it at Buyzillion.com. And now for a minor description,

* Provides players and spectators with game score
* Drink holder holds cans, bottles, coozies, and mugs
* Includes 5 Color-coded ScoreClamps to match your team's colors
* Stands a convenient 54" tall when in use
* Rugged Stake easily pushes into ground using just your foot

And there we have it. No more explainations or confrontations. Just good fun and scorekeeping. So make the ancient game of horseshoes or whatever game you must and argue about who's drinking your booze and not the score.

Check out some sweet horseshoe sets here. And if you're the type that plays late into the night, check out these glow in the dark shoes and stakes.Well, of course then you won't be able to see the scoreboard.