Wednesday, September 17

Flavorites....Inglehoffer Mustards

If you don't like mustard then you are not a true mayon. Yeah i'll say it. With pride. Real men love the yellow stuff. And one brand has " My Flavorite" written all over it.

Inglehoffer mustards. Mmmmmm freakin' mmm mmm.

If you haven't enjoyed this brand of gourmet mustards or horseradish sauces you are missing out on a life changing experience. A tongue tackling extravaganza of spice and everything nice. And just in time for football season.

Who out there will tell me that they don't salivate to the smell of bratwurst on the grill? And that they don't break the mop out at the thought of adding a nice spicy brown or dijon to it. Who doesn't make a super fat sandwich without considering the satisfaction that is a course Stone Ground Mustard? Or even let mustard play a crucial roll in the everlasting friendship you have with pretzels.

Inglehoffer is actually a product by the successful Beaverton Foods in Beaverton, Oregon. It was all started by a women, one of the few good ones, by the name of Rose Biggi in 1929 who started door to door and then went industrial sized. They have been working their behinds off ever since to give people around the world incredible condiments. How about some info from

"What started as Rose’s basement experiment has now grown to a family-owned, multimillion dollar corporation with over 150 specialty condiments sold internationally. The company’s products have won numerous World Championship and Mustard Mania awards and have earned prestigious praise from top culinary experts worldwide. Our company was also named Oregon’s Processor of the Year."

Okay, so I make a mean tavern. And mostly thanks to the good folks at Beaverton Foods. I wouldn't substitute any other mustard for their Sweet Honey Mustard that gives that tavern a delicious sweetness. And I sure as hell wouldn't trade their Extra Hot Horseradish Mustard for anything in the world. It gives a tavern an unprecedented zing. The Extra Hot Horseradish is also the Grand Champion in the World Mustard Championships.

So get some quick before it's all gone. Just joshin'. But head over to their website and snoop around. Check out their flavors that range from Wasabi to Cranberry.

Oh yeah, and put a little extra mustard on it!

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