Friday, August 15

Man Tech....Horseshoes Scoreboard

Sometimes the simplest of technologies are what make men feel the most sophisticated. And we all know that simple means easy. Which is also a favorite of words shared by men everywhere.

So on that note....does anyone else have a brother or certain relative that can make the easiest or simplest thing harder than it has to be?

My brother can't play nice. He insists on insisting. He believes strongly that he is more aware of the activity in which he is involved than anyone around him. And is usually just the opposite. What would normally be resolved with easy communication is suddenly an argue-fest. And he is usually wrong. There must be a way to end these needless spats. A helpful devise?


A visual explanation of how the game is going. No more bickering over the actual score or having to explain precisely how you are up five more points. Scenario, a lovely game of horseshoes.

Check this baby out from a company called ScoreTower. It's a combo scoreboard slash beer holder! Check out how to buy it at And now for a minor description,

* Provides players and spectators with game score
* Drink holder holds cans, bottles, coozies, and mugs
* Includes 5 Color-coded ScoreClamps to match your team's colors
* Stands a convenient 54" tall when in use
* Rugged Stake easily pushes into ground using just your foot

And there we have it. No more explainations or confrontations. Just good fun and scorekeeping. So make the ancient game of horseshoes or whatever game you must and argue about who's drinking your booze and not the score.

Check out some sweet horseshoe sets here. And if you're the type that plays late into the night, check out these glow in the dark shoes and stakes.Well, of course then you won't be able to see the scoreboard.

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