Monday, March 31

Warm Beer...A Thing of the Past

Personally, I enjoy an ice cold beer. But there are many people around the world that believe warm beer is where it's at. Well, room temperature beer might be a more appropriate description for some.

Perhaps it is tradition. History tells us that hot beer or "mulled" beers and ales were preferable centuries ago and most likely still today somewhere. But there were many reasons for hot beer. Unconventional equipment and ingredients were used and caused the beer to become less than tasty. So spices were added and the beer was heated. Mulled beers were especially popular around the winter season.

After all, we enjoy a number of drinks hot and cold. Ice and hot tea or even coffee is enjoyed around the planet.

So thank God that there are goofy dudes out there that live to make the every day guy just a bit happier.

One such man is 22 year old student from Albany, New Zealand named Kent Hodgson.

Good old Kent was sitting around the barbeque with some mates one day; when they were struck with an unfortunate situation. Warm beer! So Kent got to thinking and developed The Huski.

Here, i'll let The New Zealand Herald tell you more,

"You have plastic cooling cells which are pressed down into the dock which houses the liquid carbon dioxide. The liquid CO2 expands and is pressurised into dry ice in the base of the cooling cells ... in a moment."

"You then pop it into your drink and then proceed from there as you normally would."

They go on to talk about how the dry ice has a cooling capacity of almost four times that of the same amount of regular ice. And how the cooling is instant and lasts a long long while.

Thank you Kent for your contribution to the evolution of mankind. And every time I am cursed with a warm beer. I will curse you for not getting a patent and marketing this thing here in America where I can purchase it at my local Wally World.

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